Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting Big!

Payton is such a blessing! When I am able to see her smile, it brings me such joy! She has really blessed our lives in the past two months.

We went to the doctors last week for her two month checkup, and she did really great! She weighs 10 pounds, 6 ounces, and the doctor says she is in perfect health! She did get 4 shots, which was not a pretty site. I was holding back tears - I have never seen her cry that hard :(

With Halley back in school, and also starting his City Council career, he is extremely busy, but finds time to come home for lunch. Payton and I enjoy his short visits, and Payton loves to sit with her dad as he eats.

The Bumbo chair has been such a great tool for Payton and I. I am able to do lots of work around the kitchen, prepare meals, and unload the dishwasher without her being attached to me. And she even enjoys watching all the commotion in the kitchen - she is able to really focus in on things. Here are a few pictures of her enjoying Bumbo time and playing with her monkey. I was even able to capture a few smiles, which is super hard to do!

Here is her beautiful smile!

Des Moines got hit with yet another storm, but this time it was an ice storm. It was crazy slick out and so dreary and gray. This morning at 5 AM, Halley and I were awoke to a huge crash - which we found out was a large branch breaking off of our tree in the backyard. Luckily it did not hit the house, but it took out a little bit of our fence. Here is the picture of the huge branch that fell because of the weight of the ice.

Tonight, my good friend Marybeth is getting married. I can't believe it! She is a few years younger than me, and really has been like my little sister - so its still setting in! But Payton wanted to look her best for the wedding celebration, so she took a nice long bath, which she thoroughly enjoyed!

She then went straight to sleep in her crib, but only for a little bit - we are still working on her taking naps during the day in her crib, instead of my arms! She is so precious when she sleeps!

1 comment:

  1. These are sooooo cute. I think it is time for a grandma (me-ma) visit. Think great, cheap b-day present. She is now into clothes and big girl tub time. What a baby. Love ya all. mom:)
