January has come and gone, and Payton and I did a lot of this......
It has been ridiculously cold and snowy here in Des Moines (well probably not more then usual), but I have never really noticed how much it hinders doing things with a toddler! A few days this month Halley has had to take the SUV to work since there was so much snow. This left Payton and I homebound, and well, bored! We tried to keep busy having dance parties in the kitchen, playing hide and go seek in the pantry, and unloading the dishwasher once piece at a time. We also cuddled and watched a few shows on IPTV, and took mid-day baths! Payton did not seem to mind too much, but I like to get out and do things!
But Payton would always keep me busy with her new smiles, silly faces, and teething "fun". I have never heard of a child puking from teething, until now. Every time Payton cuts a tooth, she throws up. I have heard of fevers, ear aches, etc., but never throwing up! So she has kept us busy this month cutting 2-3 teeth. But how can you blame a smile like this!
Payton is a joy, and keeps us entertained. I wouldn't want to be homebound with any other toddler!
you should get a dog if she loves them so much!!! :)