Every summer, The Griess Family meets in Branson for vacation. This year was Payton's first year there, and she had a blast. Payton went swimming every day and loved it! On the first day, she was so tired that she actually fell asleep in her swim boat. We were so amazed because it is so hard for Payton to fall asleep anywhere besides a bed or in your arms! We caught a few pictures of this!
Halley's parents also brought their boat down so we went boating a few times as well! This was Payton's first time on a boat, and her first time in a life jacket. She was not too fond of her life jacket, but did great.
We parked the boat many times and just jumped in the water to cool off. It was SO hott there this year, so this was a must. The water was like bath water, so Payton enjoyed it a lot. Here is a picture of Halley, Payton, Grandpa, and I in the water.
Here is another picture of the whole crew, minus me. Uncle Connor and Hope are in the way back, and even Grandma joined the picture! We had such a great time spending nine days with family!
Baths were a must in Branson since Payton had so much sunscreen on, and Payton had the largest bath tub I have ever seen to play in!
Payton is also eating more regular foods now. It's great to be able to go out with her and have her eat off our plates! This night, she enjoyed a variety of melons, green beans, and cucumbers. A lot of it ended up in her lap, but she enjoyed eating with everyone.
Grandpa Griess LOVES the big Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, MO. So every year we travel there to do a little shopping, and eat at this restaurant they have there. It's an all you can eat crab leg place, so Grandpa Griess and Uncle Connor LOVE it! They also have a shooting range (electronic of course) in the middle of the store, so Halley thought it was funny to take a picture of Payton with the rifle :)
We had a great time with family in Branson, and Halley didn't even want to come back after 9 days! We also were able to go to the outlet mall there (my favorite!) and do a little shopping. Halley was very generous with Payton and I at the mall! We have already started our coin jar collection for next years trip to the outlet mall!
My dad loves that Bass Pro Shop! We've eaten at the restaurant many many many times. If it was going to rain when we were both in Missouri I was going to suggest we all meet there! Payton looks so cute in the lifejacket and float!